Swedish as a Second Language for Elementary Students, 10-13y

Registration 2025-2026 school year opens April 15.


Swedish as a Second Language for Elementary Students are courses for children 10-13 years. They are created for students of Swedish heritage, who have never studied Swedish and have no previous knowledge of the language. The instruction languages are English or French.

These courses are based on 30 online lessons that take place throughout the school year. They are planned and conducted by a teacher with formal education in Swedish as a second language. The lessons take place on Zoomwhere teacher and students meet and the students are introduced to basic Swedish. In between lessons, the students are expected to do homework for 30 minutes.

The lessons have different themes and the study exercises help the students build up their Swedish vocabulary, verbal comprehension, and grammar.

Swedish as a Second Language is a program at the SMUL Academy, which is a part of the Canadian not-for-profit organisation Association of Swedish Beyond Borders – SMUL.


Teaching material and book
These courses are given in three different levels, depending on how many years the students have been with the SMUL Academy.

Steps 1 and 2: The students will work with a digital text booked called Fördel SVA by two Swedish teachers, Pär Sahlin och Helga Stensson. This book is well suited for students at a middle school level. It gives the students an opportunity to simultanouesly develop their Swedish at many different levels. Fördel SVA is a modern educational tool, which students experience as practical and useful for everyday life in Sweden.

Steps 3: In this course, Fördel åk 4-6, Steg 2 focuses on expanding students’ vocabulary and giving them a functional and rich language. It has a printed book with exercises that will be shipped to the student.

The teacher uses modern digital media throughout the course to encourage partcipation and motivation. The teacher also uses other material to motivate and teach the students such as cross puzzles and games. We also encourage students to build their Swedish vocabulary with the app Duolingo in parallel with the course work.

Teaching languages will be Swedish and English or French. The lessons are planned and conducted by a teacher with formal training in Swedish as a Second Language. The teacher runs the class on Zoom once a week. The students are expected to do 30 minutes of homework in between classes. Parents are encouraged to support the student with the homework.

Time requirement & Schedule
The course entails a lesson plan with 30 lessons throughout the schools year of 60 minutes each time. The home work will add another 30 minutes of work in between.

We have the following classes for this school year:


NYB MELL IA for Europe: monday 17.30 London / 18.30 Stockholm. Teacher: Maria Diemar

NYB MELL IB for North America: wednesday 15.00 LA PT / 17.00 Dallas CT / 18.00 NYC ET. Teacher: TBC

NYB MELL IC for Asia & Australia: monday (10.00 Swedish time) 16.00/17.00 Singapore / 17.00/18.00 Tokyo / 18.00/20.00 Sydney. Teacher: Maria Diemar


NYB MELL IIA for Europe: monday 17.45 London / 18.45 Stockholm. Teacher: Annika Lindh Cully

NYB MELL IIB for North America: tuesday 16.30 LA PT / 18.30 Dallas CT / 19.30 NYC ET. Teacher: TBC


NYB MELL IIIA – at request

Classes for students requesting French as support language will be scheduled together with teacher Eva Cimino depending on interest. You may indicate this request in the enrolment form.

We also have some availability of private lessons. If you none of the classes and dates work for you above, and you want to explore that as an option, please email us at info@svenskautomlands.org; we will then contact you to discuss your child’s academic needs.

Language Level
Swedish as a Second Language for Elementary Students is a course in beginner Swedish, corresponding to level A1/A2, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) by the Council of Europe.

Read here what A1/A2 corresponds to in langauge level >>

This is a course for elementary students, 10-13 y, who can read and write in an age appriopriate way in their school language, but not in Swedish. There is no pre-requisite of previous Swedish knowledge; we welcome brand new beginners. The students need to know English or French to participate in the courses, since these languages are the ones supporting the instruction.

If you are not sure if this course would work for your child, have a look at a sample of the digital book Fördel SVA. You are also welcome to reach out by email for a discussion ( info@svenskautomlands.org).

Instruction in English: Maria Diemar is the teacher of this course. She has formal education in Swedish as a Second Language from Sweden, and experience of teaching students at the Swedish School of Plano, Texas and Melbourne in Australia. She has also taught adult immigrants in Sweden.

Instruction in French: Eva Cimino is the teacher in the classes taught in French. She is formally trained as a pre-school teacher and Montessori teacher. She has taught students of all ages at Swedish School of Paris for many years.

Course Coordinator
Louise Sverud works as the school administrator at the SMUL Academy and is the one who coordinates everything for these courses.

Credits and Diploma
Finished course work and homework gives the student an informal report card. This course gives 50 points at the SMUL academy.

Class size
We accept 5-8 students into this class. Class size is small to make the learning effective.

The cost is CAD $1099.00 (ca 7 700 SEK / USD$768 / 711 Euro)** and includes:

  • 30 online lessons with a Swedish teacher
  • Digital or printed material
  • The digital platform Pratstart, where the student practise their Swedish in between classes
  • Access to an online classroom on Zoom with 5-8 students
  • Written instructions about course content
  • Home work in PDF format to be printed at home.

Please note that an shipping is not included and will be added to the price.

** Exchange rate as of 1st April 2025


Registration for 2025/2026 opens April 15 and closes 1st Sep, 2025. You find the registration form HERE >>

Registration to private tutoring is available throughout the school year. If you have questions, we welcome you to contact us at info@svenskautomlands.org for a discussion. We also have study advice with Louise Sverud via Zoom which you can book HERE >>